100 Words: Doing Our Bit for the Economy

To give Corie a once a week break from cooking (the alternative: my cooking—undesirable), we bought German takeout recently from my favorite brew pub (tipped heavily). Sauerbraten, Rouladen, Donder fries, and pretzel. Enjoyed it all hugely, especially the BIG pretzel with beer cheese. Could not eat all this, of course, though I gave it the old college try. Hence, leftovers the following night with the addition of Spatzle-like noodles and broccoli. Yum. Preceded by an un-German Grumpy Old Man drink, the Rob Roy (named for a minor character in an old musical: scotch, sweet vermouth, orange bitters, maraschino cherry).


100 Words: It’s Easy To Vote by Absentee Ballot Now In Louisville, KY


100 Words: Where Have All the Hippies Gone?